Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Research shows that 95 percent of those who lose weight, gain it back within three years.


  • COST PER MONTH: $716.00 
  • LOSE UP TO: 8 lbs / month

  • COST PER MONTH:  $529.00 
  • LOSE UP TO: 8 lbs / month   

  • COST PER MONTH: $715.00
  • LOSE UP TO: 8 lbs / month

  • COST PER MONTH: $948.00
  • Lose UP TO: 12 lbs / month

  • COST PER MONTH:  $818.00
  • LOSE UP TO: 8 lbs / month
  • COST PER POUND LOST: $102.00

  • COST PER MONTH: $432.00
  • LOSE UP TO: No Research Available 
  • COST PER POUND LOST: No Research Available

ISAGENIX (Recommended Program: 3 - Isagenix 9 Day System)
  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
  • COST PER MONTH: $448.00  Includes cost of eighteen 400-600 calorie meals from grocery store. 
  • LOSE UP TO: 20 LBS / Month 
  • COST PER POUND:  $22.50                                                                                                                            Isagenix Mission Statement: “Our vision is to impact world health and free people from physical and financial pain, and in the process create the largest health-and-wellness company in the world.”

*Sources: Jan. 8, 2010  CBS "The Early Show" reporter: Vera Gibbons

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Isagenix Clinical Study Now Published In Second Journal with MRI Scans

New publication shows MRI scans of visceral fat in a subject before (figure A) and after (figure B) using Isagenix products.
University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)’s study involving Isagenix products has now been published in a second high-profile, peer-reviewed publication, Nutrition Journal. The new article includes magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of a subject before and after use of Isagenix products.
The MRI scans serve to provide visual evidence of visceral fat reduction in the subject in the Isagenix group during the 30-day study. MRI scans use radio waves to scan the body and then produce cross-sectional pictures showing the internal structures of the body.
The figures in this publication include before (figure A) and after (figure B) cross-sectional abdominal scans of a subject who was in the Isagenix group of the study. When viewed side by side, there is a noticeable decrease in visceral fat—the fat that surrounds the internal organs—in figure B compared to figure A (the white area within the outlined section). On average, the MRI scans showed that subjects in the group taking Isagenix products lost two times as much visceral fat as those who followed a “heart-healthy” diet in the study. A slight decrease in subcutaneous fat—the thick white outer layer outside of the outlined section—can also be seen when comparing the before and after images.
The publication further supports the credibility of the research conducted by the lead study author, Krista Varady, Ph.D., and her colleagues from UIC. Previously, the research that compared the Isagenix system to a well-recognized “heart-healthy” diet plan was published in the equally prestigious Nutrition & Metabolism journal and highlighted the positive effects the Isagenix system had on cardiovascular risk factors.
While the data are taken from the same intervention, the new publication takes a slightly different look at the results by focusing on the effect of intermittent fasting with calorie restriction on weight loss, fat loss, and visceral fat loss in obese women. The study found that subjects on Isagenix products had greater reductions in body weight, visceral fat, and cardiovascular risk factors compared to those on a heart-healthy diet. In addition, those on the Isagenix products had a greater degree of adherence compared to those on the heart-healthy diet.
For additional information on the study details and methods, see our Clinical Research Summary or Marketing Flyer.
Related post: To see a Q&A with Dr. Varady about the study, see article: “Study Finds Isagenix Superior to Leading ‘Heart Healthy’ Diet“.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Why are Toxins are a Huge Contributing Factor to Obesity and Health?

Toxins are everywhere and we cannot avoid them. Toxins are in the air, water, food, cosmetics—everything we touch or come into contact with. Yet it has only been in the last few years that science has begun to look at the effects these toxins are having on us.

Environmental toxins can predispose children before or after birth to severe learning and health problems. Most of the over 80,000 chemicals in pesticides, herbicides, drugs, cosmetics, food additives, fertilizers, and industrial substances have not been tested for their neurotoxin effects. To date, occupational standards have been set for only about 600 chemicals. Of these, about one-third is known to have negative effects on the central nervous system. Educators need to be aware of these hazards and help children and families avoid exposures that may deter learning.
A recent study on new born infants’ cord blood, conducted in conjunction with the American Red Cross, found that an average of 287 toxic chemicals were detected in the cord blood of these new born infants. Toxins included mercury, iodine, arsenic, herbicides and pesticides, flame retardants and trace of gasoline by-products.
Many of these toxins can cause birth defects and cancer in humans. If these new born infants are this toxic how toxic do you think we are?
Many public health surveys show that adults averaged between 300 and 800 toxic chemicals in their bodies. It’s hard to imagine that the chemicals in our bodies are welcome. The human body is reacting to these chemicals and scientists and researchers are becoming alarmed.
A recent study of university students in China found that nearly 70 percent of the students tested were infertile.
It is now estimated that 50 percent of males in the U.S. would be rejected at sperm banks because their sperm counts are so low.
We see boys in middle school over six feet tall.
Some research now shows that two out of every one hundred girls born are showing signs of sexual development at three years of age.
At three years of age?

Do you really think this is normal?

New evidence is now linking toxins to the pandemic of obesity around the world.
In North America, it is now estimated that two-thirds of the population is overweight. Thirty percent are obese. In fifteen years, researchers estimate that 50 percent of our population will be obese, and in twenty-five years one hundred percent will be overweight.
This is horrible! Researchers say being overweight contributes to over sixty known diseases. Fact: In 1930, about 3000 people died of heart attacks. In 2012, it will be one million. One out of every three babies will develop diabetes in their lifetime. In 1990, one in fifteen women got breast cancer. In 2012, it is one in eight. If the current trend continues, in ten years it will be one in three.
In 1990, one in every 10,000 children was born autistic. As of 2012, it is now one in eighty three. We are getting sicker and sicker and fatter and fatter at younger and younger ages. It is estimated that up to 50 percent of kids may be overweight in just the next ten years. If this does not scare us silly, what will? Toxins are now believed to be major contributing factor to disease and obesity.
The human body does not recognize these chemical invaders. The immune system ventures out to destroy these foreign invaders and quickly realizes it cannot fight them. Researchers now say that a huge increase in auto-immune disease is being exacerbated by toxins. We are experiencing more and people with strange auto-immune diseases, which may be linked to toxins, according to researchers. Now let’s look at the relationship between toxins and our pandemic of weight gain. The American Society of Endocrinologists identified these toxins and has given them a name.

They call these chemical Obesogens.

In their study, they say that these Obesogens are altering our hormones and reprogramming the human body to gain weight as a defense mechanism against the toxins by storing them in fat cells. We are literally evolving to adapt to the toxic world we live in. Further evidence on the relationship between toxins and weight gain is offered by Dr. Paula Bailey Hamilton in her book “Toxic Overload.”
She says in her book: “When researching my first book, which examines the effects synthetic chemicals have on our weight, I was absolutely staggered to learn the effect which toxic chemicals appear to be able to damage virtually every part of our musculoskeletal system. It seems that our muscles, bones, and joints are prime targets for many dangerous toxins.
What appears to be happening is that our natural- slimming system is being poisoned by the toxic chemical, we encounter in our everyday lives, and this damage is making it increasingly difficult for our bodies to control our weight. The end result is that we gain weight in the form of fat and not muscle, as chcmica1ls tend to cause muscles to shrink and body fat to accumulate.
The hormones that control our body shape are also targeted by the Toxins. And this damage equals smaller muscles and more fat, particularly around the stomach. In women this appears to be translating into accumulating around the stomach, waist, and thighs. Virtually all chemicals we are exposed to in our food and environment
Possess some sort of weight-altering effect, even at very low levels. It really doesn’t matter how you are exposed, whether it is from a can of fly spray or from pesticide residues in food. Once the chemicals get into your body the chances an; your weight-control systems will be · damaged, making it just that little bit harder to lose weight.
Lastly, chemicals also lower the levels of one of the brain’s most in­ portent natural get-up-and-go hormones, dopamine. · dopamine­ lowering has the effect of reducing your ene1rgy drive so that you don’t.
 Research is making it clearer and clearer that trying to lose weight with conventional diets, which do not assist the body in removing toxins, is a method basically doomed to failure.

Let me know if you are ready to Rid your Body of Toxins and Lose Weight and Keep it Off!!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Toxic additive is high-fructose corn syrup

Americans are being poisoned by a common additive present in a wide array of processed foods like soft drinks and salad dressings, commercially made cakes and cookies, and breakfast cereals and brand-name breads.

This commonplace additive silently increases our risk of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and atherosclerosis.

The name of this toxic additive is high-fructose corn syrup. It is so ubiquitous in processed foods and so over-consumed by the average American that many experts believe our nation faces the prospect of an epidemic of metabolic disease in the future, related in significant degree to excess consumption of high-fructose corn syrup.

The food industry has long known that “a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down in the most delightful way.” And cane sugar had been America’s most delightful sweetener of choice, that is, until the 1970s, when the much less expensive corn-derived sweeteners like maltodextrin and high-fructose corn syrup were developed. While regular table sugar (sucrose) is 50% fructose and 50% glucose, high-fructose corn syrup can contain up to 80% fructose and 20% glucose, almost twice the fructose of common table sugar. Both table sugar and high-fructose sweetener contain four calories per gram, so calories alone are not the key problem with high-fructose corn syrup. Rather, metabolism of excess amounts of fructose is the major concern.

The alarming rise in diseases related to poor lifestyle habits has been mirrored by an equally dramatic increase in fructose consumption, particularly in the form of the corn-derived sweetener, high-fructose corn syrup. In this article, we’ll examine the evidence for these associations, and we’ll attempt to determine if high-fructose corn syrup is a benign food additive, as the sweetener industry has lobbied us (and the FDA) to believe, or a dangerously overlooked threat to public health.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Turkey Tacos

 With Thanksgiving this week I imagine that come Friday there will be many people with a lot of leftover turkey. I love having leftover turkey, and we always make extra to ensure leftovers. While reheated leftovers are great just as they are, sometimes it is nice re-purpose the leftovers to make a new dish. These turkey tacos are a great way to turn that some of that leftover turkey into something new and exciting. They can also be made with cooked chicken. I threw these together one day for a quick lunch and they were such a hit I know I will be making them often. They are a bit messy to eat, but they are so tasty I am sure no one will care.

Turkey Tacos
Makes 2-3 servings
1 tablespoon coconut oil
½ cup (3 oz) chopped onions
½ cup tomato puree
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon cumin
3 cups (10 oz) cooked shredded turkey or chicken

4-6 Large Kale leaves or lettuce
½- 1 avocado, sliced
green tomatillo salsa (optional)

Heat the coconut oil in a saute pan over medium-high heat. Add the onions and cook until golden. Stir in the tomato puree, chili powder and cumin and cook for one minute, stirring constantly until combined. Add the turkey and cook, stirring frequently, until heated through. If the mixture seems like it is too thick and is sticking add a bit of water.
Remove the pan from the heat. Spoon some of the turkey mixture into each of the lettuce leaves. Top with a few slices of avocado and the salsa. Roll up the lettuce leaves and enjoy!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Symptoms To Expect When You Improve Your Diet

Symptoms To Expect When You Improve Your Diet
Excerpted From An Article By Dr. Stanley S. Bass, ND, D.C., PhD

Perhaps the greatest misunderstanding in the field of nutrition is the failure to understand and interpret the symptoms and changes which follow the beginning of a better nutritional program. A remarkable thing happens when a person improves the quality of the food he consumes. When the food you ingest is of a higher quality than the tissues from which the body is made, the body discards the lower quality tissues, to make room for the higher quality materials to make healthier tissue.

During this process of regeneration, lasting about 10 days to several weeks, the emphasis is on breaking down and eliminating lower quality tissue. The vibrant energy often found in the external parts of the body, the muscles and skin, moves to vital internal organs and starts reconstruction. This movement of energy produces a feeling of less energy in the muscles, which the mind interprets as weakness. At this time, more rest and sleep is often needed, and it's imperative to avoid stimulants of any kind which will abort and defeat the regenerative process. Remember, the body isn't getting weaker, it's simply using it's energies in more important internal work rather than external work involving muscle movements. With patience and diligence, a person will soon feel more energy than before.

By ingesting higher quality foods, the body begins a process called "retracing". The initial focus is on eliminating waste and toxins deposited in the tissues. However, the process creates symptoms that are often misinterpreted. For example, a person who stops consuming coffee or chocolate may experience headaches and a general letdown. The body begins discarding toxins (caffeine or theobromin) by removing them from the tissues and transporting them through the bloodstream.

However, before toxins are passed, through elimination, they register in our consciousness as pain, in other words, a headache. These same toxins also stimulate the heart to beat more rapidly, thus producing the feeling of exhilaration. The letdown is due to the slower action of the heart which produces a depressed mind state.The symptoms experienced during "retracing" are part of the healing process!

They are not deficiencies. Do not treat them with stimulants or drugs. These symptoms are constructive, even though unpleasant at the moment. Don't try to cure the cure. The symptoms will vary according to the materials being discarded, the condition of the organs involved in the elimination, and the amount of available energy. They can include: headaches, fever/chills, colds, skin eruptions, constipation/diarrhea, frequent urination, fatigue/sluggishness, nervousness, irritability, depression.

The symptoms will be milder and pass more quickly if one gets more rest and sleep. Understand that the body becomes healthier by eliminating wastes and toxins. Had they remained trapped in the tissues, eventually they would have brought illness and disease, thus causing greater pain and suffering. "The body is becoming healthier by eliminating toxins"Finally, don't expect to improve your diet and feel better and better every day, until you reach perfection. The body is cyclical in nature. Health returns in a series of gradually diminishing cycles. For example, you may begin eating better and start feeling better. After some time, you experience a symptom such as nausea or diarrhea.

After a day, you feel even better than before and all goes well for a while. Then you suddenly develop a cold, the chills and lose your appetite. Without the use of drugs, you recover from these symptoms and suddenly you feel great. This well-being continues for a time until you break out in a rash. The rash flares up, but finally disappears, and suddenly you feel better than you've felt in years. As the body becomes pure, each reaction becomes milder and shorter in duration, followed by longer and longer periods of feeling better than ever before, until finally you reach a level plateau...vibrant health.

From Dr. Ina Nozek, DC, MS, Clinical Nutritionist

If you are experiencing any “cleansing symptoms” such as headache, nausea, fatigue, irritability, etc., make sure you are hydrated, have a Want More Energy drink, take an Epsom salt bath, or rest if possible. You should start to feel better over the next couple of days.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Toxins Make You Fat and Shorten Your Life

Article: Toxins Make You Fat and Shorten Your Life - by Rudy Silva         
When your body is toxic, toxins hide and embed themselves in your body fat. This causes your cells and organs to become sluggish and lose efficiency. The fatter you are, the more toxins you can store. As your organs and body systems lose their ability to function properly, they lose their ability to metabolize and process fat effectively. This is one reason why some of you find it difficult to lose weight - your body is not functioning properly.
When you start to lose weight, this causes fat to be used up in your cells as energy and causes toxins to be released into your blood stream. If you lose weight to fast, you will have excess toxins released into your blood and this creates a variety of unhealthy symptoms and conditions - headaches, mucus, flu like symptoms, joint pains. Excessive toxins in your blood can remain there for over a year and cause you harm and that is why you need to lose weight slowly – like 2 lbs a week.
What are toxins and where do toxins really come from? They come from
• The food you eat
• The meat you eat
• The vegetables you eat
• The air you breathe
• The thoughts you have
• The activities you have
Toxins are chemicals that the liver does not recognize as useful for the body. These toxins are destructive to your body cells and other body tissues. Toxins attack and destroy cell outer and inner wall surfaces. They destroy inter cell and gene structures. They create an acid body that attracts fungus, bacteria, parasites, worms, viruses, and many other pathogens.
Why doesn’t the body get rid of toxins through its 5 elimination channels – the colon, the kidney, the skin, the lungs, and the lymphatic system? It definite does but as you get older the body becomes over whelmed with toxins and is unable to eliminate them completely through your elimination channels or neutralize them through your lymphatic system.
So what does the body do with all of these toxins? It stores them in your body cells and fat cells and anywhere there is weakness in your body. It stores toxins in weak parts of your body because that part of your body will not repel them as easily as does the healthy part of your body. This makes this weak part even weaker and eventually becomes a diseased area or a cyst. If this diseased area is allowed to exist too long, it becomes difficult to repair and to bring it back into good health.
When the five elimination channels can no longer push toxins out of your body, they themselves start to get clogged. Toxins, minerals, fibrin, and other body debris combine to form layer up layer of material that causes narrowing of elimination tracts. Eventually, illness results in many of the diseases you know.
How do you unclog your polluted body so that you can create good health? There are four basic steps to take.
• stop putting junk food into your body (Changing your Eating Habits)
• clean out the toxins in your body (Cleansing)
• neutralize the toxins in your body. (Detoxification)
• put good pure foods into your body (Rebuilding) 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Whey Protein Throughout the Day Builds More Muscle

Whey Protein Throughout the Day Builds More Muscle in Young Men

Eating 20 or more grams of quality whey protein at balanced meals scheduled throughout the day maximizes muscle building in young men, according to a new study.
The study, published in the journal Nutrition and Metabolism, found that whole body protein metabolism is influenced by the pattern of protein intake, and not just by the total daily amount consumed.
The study randomly assigned 24 resistance-trained young men to a daily total of 80 grams of whey protein in the amount of 10 grams eight times per day, 20 grams four times per day, or 40 grams two times per day. Protein balance was then measured over a 12-hour period following a session of weight training. In the end, eating 20 grams of whey protein four times per day was shown to be superior to the other protein meal patterns in enhancing whole body protein balance.
The researchers highlighted the importance of their findings in relation to recommendations for building muscle. The authors wrote, “the present data could suggest that individuals wishing to enhance or maintain lean body mass could obtain a benefit from the repeated ingestion of moderate amounts of dietary protein at regular intervals throughout the day.”
This latest research falls in line with the Isagenix message that 20 to 35 grams of protein consumed over balanced meals each day is superior for building muscle and to slow age-related muscle loss. In addition, Isagenix uses high-quality whey protein in all of IsaLean Shakes and Bars, making eating the right amount of protein at the right time throughout the day easy and convenient.
Because of a blunted anabolic response and lower basal rate of muscle synthesis in aging muscles, the amount of whey protein per meal may need to be higher in older people. A previous study in 33 older men found that the amount of 35 grams of whey protein improved whole body protein balance and muscle building. In either case, make sure you are getting the protein you need.
Moore DR et al. Daytime pattern of post-exercise protein intake affects whole-body protein turnover in resistance-trained males. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2012 Oct 16;9(1):91. Doi:10.1186/1743-7075-9-91

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Mashed Califlower with Garlic

Serving mashed cauliflower in lieu of potatoes is an easy way to lighten up your meal, and is a great solution for those of you who need to avoid starches. Thanks to the cauliflower base, this creamy mashed dish can be served with turkey and my grain-free stuffing for a properly combined Thanksgiving dinner!
  • Medium-sized head of cauliflower, chopped into florets (about 1½ lbs.)
  • 3 roasted garlic cloves
  • 1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves
  • 1 teaspoon fresh chives, chopped
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  1. Fill a large saucepan with about an inch of water, and insert a steamer basket. Bring the water to a boil, and add the cauliflower florets. Reduce the heat to a simmer and cover, allowing the cauliflower to steam for 6-8 minutes, or until fork tender.
  2. Drain the steamed cauliflower, and transfer to the bowl of a large food processor. Add in the seasonings, and process to your desired texture.
  3. If additional liquid is needed to facilitate blending, feel free to add a splash of almond milk or water, and adjust the seasonings to your taste. I ended up using about a teaspoon of fine sea salt for this particular batch, but each batch may vary, so be sure to start with less than you think you need, and add more as you go.
  4. Serve warm and enjoy!
This mashed cauliflower dish makes a great base for any of your favorite add-ins. If you prefer cheesy mashed potatoes, try adding 2-3 ounces of creamy goat cheese, or a sprinkling of nutritional yeast for a vegan variation. You could also add in some extra chives and a few spoonfuls of plain goat yogurt for a “sour cream & onion” flavor. The options are endless! Also, be sure to note the serving size on this recipe. One medium head of cauliflower only made enough to serve two people in our house– we love to heap it onto our plates! If you’re serving a bunch of mashed potato fans, you may want to double or triple this recipe, to be on the safe side.

Can’t Make the Scale Budge? 11 Questions to Ask Yourself

Can’t Make the Scale Budge? 11 Questions to Ask Yourself
March 20, 2012

by Ina Nozek, DC, MS, CCN

Losing stubborn weight is easier with these 11 tips.
Amazing transformational changes to our health and our body composition are seen with the Isagenix nutritional cleansing and fat burning systems, but every now and then we get “stuck.” Sometimes the weight seems to be coming off too slowly, or compared to other people’s results it doesn’t feel “up to par.”
What I’d like to do is give some tips on how to optimize weight/fat loss results so that you can reach both your health and your weight loss goals. Before you get discouraged, here are a few questions you can ask yourself:
1. Are you drinking enough water? The products do an amazing job at helping your body cleanse away toxins, but it’s your job to flush those impurities out with adequate hydration from pure, plain water. It is extremely important to consume at least eight to 10 full glasses of water each day, as is standard advice. On hot days or if performing physical activity, drink a few ounces more along with the sports drink Want More Energy?® that replenishes lost glycogen, vitamins and electrolytes.
2. Are you moving your bowels well each and every day? Constipation could hinder weight loss results. Rather than carrying around pounds that build up in the colon, regular and complete bowel movements are important in managing your ‘true’ body weight. If necessary, increasing the amount of IsaFlush! (containing magnesium) and fiber that you are taking each day will support regularity. FiberPro and FiberSnacks! can be used to get your required amount of daily fiber, which will certainly support gastrointestinal health.
3. Are you taking in enough or perhaps too many calories? Take a look at the meals and snacks that you consume on your Shake Days. Make sure to follow the program with 400- to 600-calorie meals consisting of whole, natural foods.
4. Are you letting too much time go by between your shakes and your meal and/or snacks? Timing is everything! Your shake or meal should hold your appetite for three to four hours. If there is more time than that between meals, you need to choose a healthy, balanced snack to curb hunger. This will keep your blood sugar stable and prevent your body from slowing your metabolism to conserve energy.
5. What are your food choices? Many of us may be absent-mindedly hindering results by reach for excess sugars and/or starches. Snacking on high-glycemic, low-fiber foods, or having a handful of this or that throughout the day can be enough to slow things down. Be aware of what you are choosing to eat.
6. Are you sleep deprived and/or stressed out? Either of these issues can cause your stress hormones to be out of balance and lead to increased fat storage—especially around the belly. If you are under a lot of stress and/or not sleeping restfully at night, I suggest you double up on your Ionix Supreme. Meditation and light physical activity may also be helpful in restoring your natural rhythms.
7. How often are you cleansing? For some of you, you may be cleansing too often and for others, you may not be cleansing enough. Keep your body guessing! Two consecutive Cleanse Days is the deepest advisable cleanse and the most effective way to burn fat. However, some people may do this too often. In which case, I recommend that you switch things up. Perhaps do double Cleanse Days every other week. Or, you can try one Cleanse Day one week and then a two Cleanse Days the next week. Maybe switch to drinking 1 or2 ounces daily (“daily cleansing”) for a while instead. Two to four ounces of Cleanse for Life before bed on an empty stomach may be helpful for many people, too. Remember to hydrate well throughout the day whether you are “deep” or “daily cleansing.” The key to all of this is to keep your body guessing by making sure to switch things up!
8. Are your foods settling? Food allergies and sensitivities may be playing a role in slowing weight loss results. Be aware of what foods you are eating and whether or not they are “jiving” with your body. Avoid any obvious foods sensitivities or intolerance's.
9. Are you maximizing your meals? If not, consider Vanilla IsaPro! Adding 1 scoop of IsaPro to 1 or 1 ½ scoops of IsaLean shake can be helpful for optimizing your metabolism. The boost to protein can make a huge difference to anyone with a sluggish metabolism. Extra protein also keeps your appetite satisfied longer and promotes maintenance of muscle, a key element for plateau busting!
10. How many steps do you take every day? Get out there and move! Exercise is so important for our general health and it makes a huge difference in transforming our body composition. Daily exercise increases metabolism naturally as we build muscle. Incorporate strength and resistance training as well as cardio exercise for optimal fat burning results.
11. Are you following the plan? Are you committed to getting the best results? Are your food choices optimal? Are you adding too many extra calories to your shakes and to your snacking? Be honest with yourself. If we are honest with ourselves, sometimes we realize that we could be more committed and disciplined. For some of us, it’s this discipline that makes all of the difference in achieving our goals. Then maintenance becomes a lot easier. Stay strong in order to truly transform your body so that you can look and feel your absolute best

Saturday, November 17, 2012

How does fat turn to lean muscle when not excercising?

How does One release Body Fat while building Lean Muscle Mass with Isagenix?

Here is the reason:
Human Growth Hormones (HGH) burn fat and increase lean muscle mass. That is why it is known as our “anabolic anti-aging hormone”

If cortisol levels are high, then HGH levels are low.
If HGH levels are high, then increased fat burning and increased lean body mass development occurs.
HGH is the only substance that can increase lean body mass (LBM). Ever wonder why people continue to gain LBM during a program but are not working out at all?

What spikes you growth hormone? – Doing a cleanse because cortisol levels drop and you HGH levels go up. When your body is under caloried, it triggers the release of HGH.

HGH is also released between the hours of 12:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. at night – very important to get a good night’s sleep. What is one of the side benefits people say about Isagenix? Increased sleep. So therefore there is an increased HGH and its benefits of LBM growth.

You cannot loose weight without proper sleep. The deeper you sleep the more HGH is released, hence the deeper sleeps with Isagenix. If not proper sleep then increased cortisol production as well

Increased stress also increases your cortisol levels. Reduce the stress and you reduce the cortisol levels and thus increase your HGH levels.
Sleeping pills will not restore your deep levels of sleep – sleeping pills will only keep you in a shallow state of sleep. So you end up with no HGH spike, but increased cortisol and your body inflammation goes up as well.

Ionix Supreme before bed can help to increase your HGH because there are herbs in Ionix that do so. So if people have hard time sleeping still, try Ionix before bed.

In a nutshell, increased HGH means increased happiness. In Weight Watchers do you see people loosing weight as well as being happy? No, they are grumpy because they still have high levels of cortisol and decreased HGH due to the lack of ingredients of what they are ingesting compared to what Isagenix has to offer.
Thank you Ionix!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thanksgiving Turkey with a Sweet Potato “Stuffing”

A man’s guide to a thanksgiving turkey? What kind of recipe title is that? A very misleading one! Honestly this is just a thanksgiving turkey recipe, nothing gender specific, but today I realized that 84.9% of my Facebook friends are women and it made me wonder why. I mean 100% of us eat and I know that a lot more than 15.1% of men cook. So what makes my site not so guy friendly? If there are any guys reading this I would love to hear your opinion on this.
I am also hoping that the title will encourage more guys to cook thanksgiving dinner (a not so subtle hint to my husband).
This paleo thanksgiving turkey is extra moist thanks to the brine I marinated it with overnight and also because I baked it while covered with a moist light cloth. I used one of my baby’s receiving blankets. I got so many as gifts and didn’t get to use many of them until now.
WARNING: If you choose to use the wet cloth method you must keep the cloth wet at all times by basting it with the turkey juices every 20-30 minutes so that the cloth doesn’t catch on fire. If you are not comfortable with this idea then wrap it with parchment paper of foil but it just won’t be as moist

Ingredients for the brine:
1 quart of chicken broth
2 cup of white wine
½ cup of maple syrup
2 tbsp of dry thyme
1 tbsp of ground black pepper
1 tbsp of salt

Ingredients for the turkey:
A 12 to 14 lb turkey fully thawed
1 cup of softened grass-fed butter
1 tbsp of dry thyme
1 tbsp of dry sage
1 tbsp of dry parsley
1 tsp of salt
2 tsp of ground black pepper

For the Stuffing
4 medium apples cored and diced
4 celery stalks, sliced
2 lbs of sweet potatoes or yams, diced
½ cup of fresh chopped  fresh sage leaves, loosely packed
1 tbsp of dry thyme
1 cup of dry cranberries
1-2 cups of walnuts
2 tbsp of butter reserved from the turkey rub
2 tbsp of coconut oil

  • In a large bowl, combine all the ingredients for the brine
  • Place your turkey in a plastic bag and pour the brine over it
  • Remove all the air from to make sure the brine is covering the turkey and tie a knot to secure all the juices in.
  • Place inside another plastic bag to prevent leakages.
  • Marinate inside the refrigerator, breast down for at least 12 hours
  • Remove the turkey from the fridge 1-2 hours before cooking to bring it to room temperature.
  • Preheat oven to 500 F
  • Remove turkey from the bag and pad dry using a paper towel (Reserve 2-3 cups of the brine)
  • Remove the innards and place turkey in a roasting pan or baking dish
  • In a medium bowl, combine the  butter and the spices until a paste is formed
  • Separate some of the skin from the turkey around the neck and breast and rub the turkey with the butter inside, outside and under the skin.
  • In a large bowl combine all the ingredients for the stuffing and place a portion of them inside the turkey’s cavity, this will give it extra moisture and flavor.  Place the rest of the stuffing inside a Dutch oven and bake at 350 F for about an hour or until potatoes are tender
  • Set the turkey on your oven’s lowest rack and bake for 30 minutes at 500 F
  • Reduce the heat to 350 F.
  • Cover the turkey with a light cloth dampened in the brine.
  • Cook for about I hour and 45 minutes, basting the turkey (over the cloth) every 20 minutes.  Baste using the turkey juices and the reserved brine.
  • Remove from the oven when a meat thermometer inserted in the thickest part of the breast reads 162 F and the juices from the turkey run clear.
  • Cover the turkey (and the cloth) with foil or parchment paper and let stand for 20 minutes before carving.

Depending on the size of your bird, the stuffing inside the turkey may be a little undercooked, if so just bake it in a separate dish for a little longer.

To store the rest of the carved turkey, put inside a container and pour some of the turkey juices over it to prevent it from drying.