Monday, November 26, 2012

Why are Toxins are a Huge Contributing Factor to Obesity and Health?

Toxins are everywhere and we cannot avoid them. Toxins are in the air, water, food, cosmetics—everything we touch or come into contact with. Yet it has only been in the last few years that science has begun to look at the effects these toxins are having on us.

Environmental toxins can predispose children before or after birth to severe learning and health problems. Most of the over 80,000 chemicals in pesticides, herbicides, drugs, cosmetics, food additives, fertilizers, and industrial substances have not been tested for their neurotoxin effects. To date, occupational standards have been set for only about 600 chemicals. Of these, about one-third is known to have negative effects on the central nervous system. Educators need to be aware of these hazards and help children and families avoid exposures that may deter learning.
A recent study on new born infants’ cord blood, conducted in conjunction with the American Red Cross, found that an average of 287 toxic chemicals were detected in the cord blood of these new born infants. Toxins included mercury, iodine, arsenic, herbicides and pesticides, flame retardants and trace of gasoline by-products.
Many of these toxins can cause birth defects and cancer in humans. If these new born infants are this toxic how toxic do you think we are?
Many public health surveys show that adults averaged between 300 and 800 toxic chemicals in their bodies. It’s hard to imagine that the chemicals in our bodies are welcome. The human body is reacting to these chemicals and scientists and researchers are becoming alarmed.
A recent study of university students in China found that nearly 70 percent of the students tested were infertile.
It is now estimated that 50 percent of males in the U.S. would be rejected at sperm banks because their sperm counts are so low.
We see boys in middle school over six feet tall.
Some research now shows that two out of every one hundred girls born are showing signs of sexual development at three years of age.
At three years of age?

Do you really think this is normal?

New evidence is now linking toxins to the pandemic of obesity around the world.
In North America, it is now estimated that two-thirds of the population is overweight. Thirty percent are obese. In fifteen years, researchers estimate that 50 percent of our population will be obese, and in twenty-five years one hundred percent will be overweight.
This is horrible! Researchers say being overweight contributes to over sixty known diseases. Fact: In 1930, about 3000 people died of heart attacks. In 2012, it will be one million. One out of every three babies will develop diabetes in their lifetime. In 1990, one in fifteen women got breast cancer. In 2012, it is one in eight. If the current trend continues, in ten years it will be one in three.
In 1990, one in every 10,000 children was born autistic. As of 2012, it is now one in eighty three. We are getting sicker and sicker and fatter and fatter at younger and younger ages. It is estimated that up to 50 percent of kids may be overweight in just the next ten years. If this does not scare us silly, what will? Toxins are now believed to be major contributing factor to disease and obesity.
The human body does not recognize these chemical invaders. The immune system ventures out to destroy these foreign invaders and quickly realizes it cannot fight them. Researchers now say that a huge increase in auto-immune disease is being exacerbated by toxins. We are experiencing more and people with strange auto-immune diseases, which may be linked to toxins, according to researchers. Now let’s look at the relationship between toxins and our pandemic of weight gain. The American Society of Endocrinologists identified these toxins and has given them a name.

They call these chemical Obesogens.

In their study, they say that these Obesogens are altering our hormones and reprogramming the human body to gain weight as a defense mechanism against the toxins by storing them in fat cells. We are literally evolving to adapt to the toxic world we live in. Further evidence on the relationship between toxins and weight gain is offered by Dr. Paula Bailey Hamilton in her book “Toxic Overload.”
She says in her book: “When researching my first book, which examines the effects synthetic chemicals have on our weight, I was absolutely staggered to learn the effect which toxic chemicals appear to be able to damage virtually every part of our musculoskeletal system. It seems that our muscles, bones, and joints are prime targets for many dangerous toxins.
What appears to be happening is that our natural- slimming system is being poisoned by the toxic chemical, we encounter in our everyday lives, and this damage is making it increasingly difficult for our bodies to control our weight. The end result is that we gain weight in the form of fat and not muscle, as chcmica1ls tend to cause muscles to shrink and body fat to accumulate.
The hormones that control our body shape are also targeted by the Toxins. And this damage equals smaller muscles and more fat, particularly around the stomach. In women this appears to be translating into accumulating around the stomach, waist, and thighs. Virtually all chemicals we are exposed to in our food and environment
Possess some sort of weight-altering effect, even at very low levels. It really doesn’t matter how you are exposed, whether it is from a can of fly spray or from pesticide residues in food. Once the chemicals get into your body the chances an; your weight-control systems will be · damaged, making it just that little bit harder to lose weight.
Lastly, chemicals also lower the levels of one of the brain’s most in­ portent natural get-up-and-go hormones, dopamine. · dopamine­ lowering has the effect of reducing your ene1rgy drive so that you don’t.
 Research is making it clearer and clearer that trying to lose weight with conventional diets, which do not assist the body in removing toxins, is a method basically doomed to failure.

Let me know if you are ready to Rid your Body of Toxins and Lose Weight and Keep it Off!!

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