Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Soy, The Ugly Truth

People assume that soy is a very healthy food because it is what the mainstream media tells us. Soy flour and soy products are in almost every packaged food today. But is soy really a healthy food? This is an important question to ask because soy is everywhere in processed foods today, even pet foods. You do not have to be a vegan or health food "nut" who eats soy substitutes for dairy and meat to acquire a lot of soy in your diet. Soy is a hidden ingredient found in many processed foods. It is used to extend fast food hamburgers, added to most supermarket breads and found in many dry kibble pet foods, even the premium brands. You will find even higher levels of soy in the foods at health food stores, where it is promoted as a heart-healthy, cancer-preventing, menopause-alleviating ingredient.

Manufacturers that promote soy assert that Asians have eaten "tons of soy" for millennia. If you search the Internet for "soybeans", you can find statements such as "soybeans have been a major source of protein for people in Asia for more than 5,000 years". However, the Chinese first started eating soybeans about 2,500 years ago, after they figured out how to ferment it. Somehow, the ancient Chinese knew that soybeans still contain many toxins after cooking and thus avoiding eating it until they learned to neutralize those toxins through fermentation. And in traditional Asian diets, soy is only used in small amounts as a condiment, with pork, seafood and other animals providing the bulk of the protein. Only very recently has soy been eaten the way we typically eat it, consuming large amounts in an unfermented and often highly processed form. Soy was originally considered an inedible plant, used to fix nitrogen in the soil. Even today you can find people from farming families who remember that as the primary use of soy.

Americans eat soy mostly in unfermented forms of soy, made into various processed imitation foods such as burgers, sausages, TVP chili, soymilk, soy cheese, and soy ice cream, as well as consuming large amounts of "hidden" soy flour, protein and oil in most processed foods. Many doctors, including holistic doctor Andrew Weil, promote it. Dr. Weil even partnered with a pet food brand containing soy that is marketed as a high-end super premium food, sold in health food stores and natural pet stores. Unfortunately, consumption of soy can create many health issues, both in humans and animals. Following are some of the major problems caused by soy:

High levels of phytic acid in soy reduce assimilation of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. Phytic acid in soy is not neutralized by ordinary preparation methods such as soaking, sprouting and long, slow cooking. High phytate diets have caused growth problems in children.

Trypsin inhibitors in soy interfere with protein digestion and may cause pancreatic disorders. In test animals soy containing trypsin inhibitors caused stunted growth.

Free glutamic acid or MSG, a potent neurotoxin, is formed during soy food processing and additional amounts are added to many soy foods.

Vitamin B12 analogs in soy are not absorbed and actually increase the body's requirement for B12.

Soy foods increase the body's requirement for vitamin D.

Fragile proteins are denatured during high temperature processing to make soy protein isolate and textured vegetable protein.

Soy phytoestrogens are potent antithyroid agents that cause hypothyroidism and may cause thyroid cancer. In infants, consumption of soy formula has been linked to autoimmune thyroid disease.

Soy phytoestrogens disrupt endocrine function and have the potential to cause infertility and to promote breast cancer in adult women.

Processing of soy protein results in the formation of toxic lysinoalanine and highly carcinogenic nitrosamines.

Soy foods contain high levels of aluminum which is toxic to the nervous system and the kidneys.

There are numerous problems caused by soy formulas fed to infants, including difficulty digesting it, lack of sufficient nutrients and toxins.However, one of the biggest problems is the hormonal disruption caused by the isoflavones in soy. Soy isoflavones are phytoestrogens, which are plant-based estrogens that act like hormones. There are enough of them in soy to cause severe disruption to the hormonal systems of infants during a critical period in their hormonal development. The effects are often not seen until later, when they enter puberty (sometimes the phytoestrogens even cause early puberty).

How could something so bad for us be promoted as a health food, you may ask? Like many other things, it's all about big business, marketing and profits. Even the holistic doctors promoting soy usually benefit from it financially, in their associations with companies that make foods containing soy. Growing and processing soy is a big business. All the various components of soybeans are highly processed to create the wide array of soy foods now on the market, as well as adding soy components to many existing foods, like meats at fast food restaurants. No part of the soybean is thrown away--every part of it is processed into some type of food product for humans or animals. There is a huge profit to be made in selling all these soy products.

The soybean industry therefore puts a spin on the supposed health benefits of soy and downplays the levels of toxins in them. For instance, soy is promoted as helping alleviate the symptoms of menopause but there are numerous studies showing that soy is no better than a placebo for this. Soybeans have replaced indigenous crops in many countries around the world. Soybean farming has caused more loss of Amazon rain-forest than cattle ranching. So if you are eating your soy burgers to spare the rain forest, you are actually causing more destruction of it.

Soy products as we know them is not a health food, quite the contrary. Most soybeans grown in America is genetically altered. Every aspect of soy, from soy milk to soy burgers to soy bacon and soy cheese, is very harmful to your health and provides no nutritional value, in fact all it provides is a major cause of health problems for you. So many new vegans complain of being sick, no energy, headaches and so many other health issues. They blame it on their vegan diet. I ask them what they are eating and they tell me all good stuff like what is promoted at Whole Foods in their frozen and deli section; "Soy Meat,." and practically every vegan and vegetarian restaurant in America and Europe features soy. After convincing them to stop eating anything soy and substitute for organic beans, whole grains and lots of fresh local organic fruits and vegetables, these people come back to me in droves and thank me for pointing them in the right direction.......

Monday, April 15, 2013


Folks, Not eating will not help you lose weight it will only result in a relapse back into the unhealthy lifestyle you were in before.... Not only that you will have many other issue's along with it!!
 As many strive to reach their fitness goals, many lose themselves along the way. As they begin, they have very healthy and balance goals, workouts and nutrition. But somewhere along the way they get caught up in unhealthy practices that cause them to move towards adrenal issues and/or metabolic damage (Metabolic Damage consist of both). When you are working out, your nutrition should be no more than a 500-calorie deficit. This means you have to make sure that whatever calories are burned during your work out, you are adding those back into your diet. This is why a heart rate monitor is so important.
When the body is starving you can see what happens. You don’t have the energy you once did. When you cut carbs too low (with the exception of carb cycling) your glycogen stores are not replenished and you cannot accomplish or reach your goals when building muscle. You will soon become very frustrated and either give up or do unhealthy things. Remember life is about balance and creating a healthy body.
Please feel free to reach out to me, Let me help you change your eating Habits!!!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Fat Follies

Fat Follies
Dr Michael Colgan 8 April 2013
“But rice cakes are mostly air. How can you fail to lose weight on rice cakes?”
Fran, one of our serial dieters, is always searching for the ideal snack to satisfy her cravings. I try to keep a straight face.
“Does that mean if you eat enough of them you’ll float away?”
(Rice cakes are absorbed faster than table sugar and converted straight into glucose in the blood.)

Her belief is one of many common diet myths we hear at the clinic from people who have failed to lose fat. With 70% of the US population overweight, 33% at any one time trying to lose it, and only 3% successful, weight loss is an inexhaustible goldmine for deceitful profiteers. Here are a few common scams and errors and our responses that may help you avoid them.

“I did the whole 30-day, but then the fat came back. I think it was there all the time, just hiding.”
“Where did it hide? In your shoes?” For most people a lot of initial weight loss is water as the liver and kidneys start to operate better, and inflammation (which holds a lot of water) declines. After that, fat loss is much slower but steady. Persistence is the key. There’s no shortcut. After about one year of the right nutrition and exercise, at a steady lower fat level, blood sugar stabilizes, cravings decline, old fat cells die off, new cells grow, and fat stabilizes at a lower level. Being lean is a lifestyle, not a diet.”

“My girlfriend told me to eat a brown rice pudding at midnight. That way you are not hungry on cleanse day.”
“You may be onto something. Keep it up for a month and call me.”

“Russell Crowe says that you can be either skinny or strong but not both”.
“Unfortunately, you can easily be neither. Most people are.”

“My astrologer told me it was not a good time, and she’s really slim”.
“So are more than half the people in Africa, and they don’t have the benefits of astrology.”

“Is it true you can swallow a tapeworm to eat your excess food?”
“Taenia saginata, the beef tapeworm is the most used. It grows to about 30 feet long, up to 15 pounds in weight, and lives about 25 years. It attaches to your intestine with a mouth like something out of Alien, causes enormous bloat and flatulence, and if its eggs invade your brain, you will not be worried about weight loss ever again.”

“I’ve been eating these negative calorie foods.”
Wow! Someone has discovered matter that doesn’t obey the first law of thermodynamics. Physicists are going to be very excited.”

“I know there are no controlled studies, but all my friends are getting HCG injections”.
“As my friend Dr Paul Anderson says, “Using a fertility drug to lose weight: are you out of your mind?”

“I got this white powder on TV. You sprinkle it on your food and you can eat anything you like.”
“I think it used to be called talcum and put on babies’ bottoms. Some scams add a bit of the carbohydrate maltodextrin, and a nudge of caffeine. It might get you a bit of social attention at the local watering hole, but you will not lose any fat.”

“I tried those weight loss patches, even four at a time, but they don’t seem to work for me.”
“They work really well if you stick them over your mouth.”

“I’ve been using GCA (green coffee bean extract) but it’s expensive.”
“I think the coffee traders thought that one up in 2008 when the profit boom after Starbucks and imitators had been slowing down. The chlorogenic acid in coffee mildly inhibits sugar metabolism and mildly improves lipid metabolism. But the GCA does not reduce bodyfat more than having the pleasure of good arabica coffee daily, and certainly not as much as the combined caffeine and EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) in top class green tea. (1-5)

Weight Loss Drugs
In conclusion, we get many enquiries about anti-obesity drugs. Here’s the short skinny. Rampant side effects cause up to half the patients to withdraw from treatment. They sell very expensively under a wide variety of trade names, but are almost all one of these three drugs. Orlistat, the fat blocker causes extreme flatulence, diarrhea, and intestinal cramps. Sibutramine, thought to reduce appetite, causes rapid heart rate and heart disorders, and most brands are now withdrawn. Rimonabant, an appetite suppressant causes depression and suicidal ideation and is now also withdrawn from FDA approval.
A meta-analysis of 30 double-blind long-term controlled trials of 1–4 years’ duration, covered 16 trials of orlistat on 10,631 patients, 10 trials of sibutramine on 2,623 patients, and 4 trials of rimonabant on 6,365 patients. Withdrawal from treatment averaged 30%–40%. Compared with placebo, orlistat reduced weight by 2.9 kg,(6.4 lbs) sibutramine by 4.2 kg,(9.2 lbs) and rimonabant by 4.7 kg (10.3 lbs). Considering the length of these trials, results are pathetic.(6)
With optimum nutrition and daily exercise, about 99 out of every 100 people can be slim and healthy, and rejoice in their bodies. It’s the greatest lifestyle there is. But market forces work ceaselessly to make us all obese. 24 hours a day we are conditioned by deceit and manipulation of the food supply to become fat and carb devouring machines to raise food market profits. Don’t let them get you. All you really have in life is your body and your word. Keep both intact lifelong.

4. Thavanesan N. The putative effects of green tea on body fat: an evaluation of the evidence and a review of the potential mechanisms. Br. J. Nutr,2011;106:1297–1309. [PubMed]
5. Rains T.M., Agarwal S., Maki K.C. Antiobesity effects of green tea catechins: a mechanistic review. J. Nutr. Biochem, 2011;22:1–7. [PubMed]
6. Rucker D, Padwal R, Li SK, Curioni C, Lau DC. Long term pharmacotherapy for obesity and overweight: updated meta-analysis. BMJ. 2007;335:1194–1199. [PMC free article][PubMed]

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Gluten Damages the Brain

Gluten Damages the Brain
Dr Michael Colgan 2 April 2013

We got such an overwhelming response to my recent article on gut diseases caused by the gliaden group of proteins in gluten, it has given me confidence that the public is ready to hear what medical science has known for 20 years about the damaging effects of gluten on the human brain.

The main offenders are wheat, rye, and barley in our food supply. Unfortunately, the cereal grains industry is mammoth business and an extremely powerful political lobby that will do whatever it can to conceal and belittle the evidence. What I love most about science is that the truth eventually outs.

Three things are now occurring to let the facts shine. First is the light-speed development of the internet which makes it increasingly more difficult every day for vested interests to hide evidence. Second is the unprecedented growth in public demand for gluten-free foods. For example, a recent gluten-free trade show in Vancouver planned for 5,000 visitors. More than 25,000 showed up, and most could not even get in. In the US alone, the gluten-free foods industry has grown from small in 2000, to a massive $3 billion a year in 2012.

The third change working to bring the facts about gluten toxicity to public notice is the explosion of controlled studies on gluten in the last decade. One summary paper for example, published in the open-access medical journal, Bio Med Central, Medicine, in 2012, is a collaborative effort of 14 universities, to expose the evidence.(1) We now know for sure that a much larger proportion of the population suffers from gluten toxicity than previously thought.(2)

Controlled studies show that gluten is not only a main offender in the group of disorders now collected under the umbrella of celiac disease (CD), but is also involved in many cases of autism, Asperger’s, and similar disorders, now collectively called autism spectrum disorders (ASD).(3-5)

Gluten is also involved in many cases of cerebellar ataxia from damage to motor controls in the cerebellum of the brain, causing loss of balance, dizziness, learning difficulties, and what we term, “Uncoordinated Child Syndrome” (UCS).(3,5) It is also involved in many cases of peripheral neuropathy (death of peripheral nerves, leading to one or several of a large group of disorders), and multiple cases of herpetiform dermatitis (herpes-like blistering rash mainly on elbow, forearms, and knees, but can occur on the face, buttocks, and other areas) (3-5)

It has taken 20 years to bring to public notice that a dominant food, wheat, (also rye and barley) can produce human disease not only of the gut but also the skin, the peripheral nerves, and the brain. The most unfortunate aspect of the gluten problem is that a child, or an adult, can suffer several different manifestations of gluten toxicity simultaneously, and can easily be mis-diagnosed as suffering from different disorders. World expert on gluten toxicity, British neurologist Dr M Hadjivassiliou, has called for physicians and neurologists to learn more about gluten-caused disorders, and treat them promptly before irreversible brain damage occurs.

A typical case we received is a very bright and pretty teenager, I will call Karen. She had been on the gluten-free diet we recommended, and had become symptom-free but we had not seen her for two years. She had eaten an “organic whole wheat sandwich” at school, thinking it would do no harm. Next day she had intestinal upset, and progressively over four days developed numbness and weakness in her legs, and could barely walk. The neurological report showed a large loss of nerve conduction and almost absent pain and temperature sensation in the legs.

On interview, I noticed some rough skin and scarring on Karen’s elbows, which could have come from gluten dermatitis, and asked whether she had been eating sandwiches before. After much mumbling she admitted that she had occasionally been going with school friends to the local organic restaurant, and having a sandwich, but they were “pure organic bread”.

I asked about the elbows. “Oh, that’s my rash, it comes and goes. I have cream for it.” I asked about any previous leg weakness. “Some days I have jelly legs and awful brain fog.” I discovered that her school work was not going well, and she also had quite a few sick days.

I concluded that the sandwich habit, a natural thing for a teen to do to fit in socially, was more frequent than she admitted. As gently as possible, I explained how she was causing all her symptoms herself, schoolwork problems, being sick, brain fog, gut upsets, elbow rashes. After a few minutes consideration, she said, “OMG, you’re right.” She got back on the gluten-free diet, and, within three months, jelly legs had disappeared entirely and she was back on track at school again.

The message of this case is that Karen had been correctly diagnosed by her physician years before, and the antibody tests confirmed it, because gluten was pretty poisonous to her. But there are thousands of children with less severe reactions who are never diagnosed, who stumble through life, variously considered slow, or weak, or anti-social, or weird, when every day they are being poisoned by their morning bowl of cereal, and lovingly packed school lunch. The antibody tests are widely available now, and could be worth their weight in gold for any child with unexplained disorder in their life.

 1. Sapone A, et al. Spectrum of gluten-related disorders: consensus on new nomenclature and classification. BMC Med. 2012; 10: 13. Published online 2012 February 7. doi: 10.1186/1741-7015-10-13 PMCID: PMC3292448
2. Bernini P, et al. Are Patients with Potential Celiac Disease Really Potential? The Answer of Metabonomics. Journal of Proteome Research, 2010; : 101213161430042 DOI: 10.1021/pr100896s
3. Hadjivassiliou M, et al. Gluten sensitivity as a neurological illness. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2002 May; 72(5): 560–563.
4. Hadjivassiliou M, et al. Dietary treatment of gluten neuropathy. Muscle Nerve. 2006 Dec;34(6):762-6.
5. Hernandez-Lahoz C, et al. Neurological disorders associated with gluten sensitivity. Rev Neurol. 2011 Sep 1;53(5):287-300.