Monday, April 15, 2013


Folks, Not eating will not help you lose weight it will only result in a relapse back into the unhealthy lifestyle you were in before.... Not only that you will have many other issue's along with it!!
 As many strive to reach their fitness goals, many lose themselves along the way. As they begin, they have very healthy and balance goals, workouts and nutrition. But somewhere along the way they get caught up in unhealthy practices that cause them to move towards adrenal issues and/or metabolic damage (Metabolic Damage consist of both). When you are working out, your nutrition should be no more than a 500-calorie deficit. This means you have to make sure that whatever calories are burned during your work out, you are adding those back into your diet. This is why a heart rate monitor is so important.
When the body is starving you can see what happens. You don’t have the energy you once did. When you cut carbs too low (with the exception of carb cycling) your glycogen stores are not replenished and you cannot accomplish or reach your goals when building muscle. You will soon become very frustrated and either give up or do unhealthy things. Remember life is about balance and creating a healthy body.
Please feel free to reach out to me, Let me help you change your eating Habits!!!

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