Thursday, May 2, 2013

Don't give up on your success

Don't give up on your success

Fitness is filled with frustrations. Mainly because results do not come as fast as we want. This is mainly because we fall for the weight loss gimmick crap posted everywhere. The sad part is we give up right before our breakthrough. Throughout our history we have heard of stories of people giving up because a task appears too hard or too complicated. Oftentimes, we quit right before success shows up at our doorstep.

It is human nature for most people to quit or "take a break" right when they do not see the light at the end of the tunnel. The problem is at that moment we are about to achieve the biggest breakthroughs of our lives.

One story stands out in my mind. There is a great story in the best book of success ever written. If you are familiar with the iconic success book "Think And Grow Rich", you might remember the story in that book about a man who gave up his quest for gold too soon, during the California Gold Rush of long ago.

The story goes like this. For months upon months this man went about prospecting for gold in the hills. Somehow he just knew that he would strike gold.

Every day he got up early in the morning and walked to the hills in search of his "fortune". He dug and dug with his simple tools. He found some gold here and there. But never anything to write home about.

The story goes that he finally gave up digging because he was convinced that he could not find the "mother lode" he was searching for.

Hearing this, another prospector came to him and offered to buy all his tools. The man agreed and sold all his tools for whatever money he could get for them.

This prospector then went on to hire a land surveyor, an engineer and geologist, all whom combined their knowledge and went to work on the mine where the first man had been digging without results.

It is told that upon studying the area and the mine, the men discovered that the first man had been literally three feet from where the real gold deposit was. Literally 3 FEET! The poor prospector who had given up was so close to the gold, he could reach out and touch it. But there was no way he could know this because he gave up too soon, and he did not have the proper tools for the job.

When he heard about the discovery, the man could do nothing but wonder what might have been.

What about you? Are you "three feet from gold" and just don't know it? Are you one burpee away from melting 10 inches from your waist? Do you give up at rep number 8 when rep number 10 is waiting to transform you? Giving up too soon could be costing you your dreams of becoming the person you envision. You cannot fail as long you do not give up and have the proper tools and training. On this page we try to equip you as best we can but this page is no substitute for good training. Seek out professionals to help you get the results you desire. If you can't locate one consider one of our 6 week online clean eating and fitness programs or challenges. Inbox us for details. Someone once said success is when preparation meets determination. (I think that’s how it goes LOL) Go for the gold or die trying!

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